

February 28, 2025

4 min read

Venture South

The Isle of Wight Cultural Investment Company

A catalyst for change, Venture South is a facilitating body that helps unlock the place-making potential of the Isle of Wight’s cultural and creative sectors. It works tirelessly to create jobs for our people giving them less reason to leave - instead attracting new talent to a more sustainable and growing Island economy.

Initially funded by Arts Council England, Venture South has produced a significant return on investment for ACE by creating sustainable projects and facilitating partnerships, matched funding, and sponsorship for all its key projects.

Who we are

Our Board of Directors are all volunteers and drawn from both the commercial and Not-For-Profit sectors, with a common interest in the potential of the arts, culture, and creative industries to make a difference.

They include, Linda Sullivan (Chair), Stephen Izatt, Andrew Watt, Virgil Philpott, Nigel Hartley, and Rob Drake-Knight.

What we do

To date Venture South’s projects have included:

The Island Collection

Setting up The Island Collection as a registered charity to foster collaboration between the various arts, culture, and heritage organisations on the Island, to enable them to have a stronger voice and better funding.


Setting up the Island’s film office and obtaining corporate sponsorship from Wightlink to fund a film officer and to market the Island as a location for film to benefit the Island economy and showcase the Island generally.

Island Film Studios

Assisting and encouraging the setting up of a film studio on theIsland by private investors to enhance the offering to film companies and provide jobs on the Island and training in film making and related skills.


Connected Wight

The project to provide digital way finding for the Island and showcase the various strands that make the Island special. Venture South were one of the first to provide funding and encouraged others to contribute. Stephen Izatt, a branding expert and one of VentureSouth’s directors worked alongside a small group of creative and marketing colleagues who are passionate about developing a consistent and cohesive story for the Island, regardless of commercial, social or environmental interests.


Time and Tide Bell

Instigating the Time and Tide bell project and creating a partnership with Ventnor Town Council and local ambassadors to arrange for the installation of the bell in Ventnor. Facilitating valuable contributions from local businesses and others including a significant contribution from EMRC.  Providing funding for a school’s education programme which has begun in Ventnor alongside placement of a half bell in a Ventnor school prior to the bell installation.


Sculpture South

Working in partnership with Sarah Chatwin of EMRC, several artists, sculptors, and others to develop community sculpture during the Covid lockdown and with the aim of developing an Island -wide sculpture trail.

Our ambition and focus are on transformational projects for the Island with several new projects in planning and development stages.

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