Connection is why we’re here. It is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives
- Brene Brown

Imagine a place with the perfect work/life balance relationship. A place where the community and visitors are inextricably linked with nature through a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and a place where business, industry, talent, and entrepreneurship shine through.

Imagine no more. The Isle of Wight with its miles of coastline, downs, woodland, naturally connects the local community, visitors, and tourists alike. A celebrated island through the works of poets, painters, and writers; a beloved island of the Royal Family for decades and now available to all through this unique portal bringing the Island to you and you to the Island.

naturally connected

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Island on film

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Chamber awards
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Chamber awards

3:30 watch
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Rocky Ramble
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Rocky Ramble

03:18 watch
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We love Ventnor
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We love Ventnor

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Film Wight
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Film Wight

19:36 watch
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Surfing (and foiling)
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Surfing (and foiling)

02:15 watch
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19:36 watch
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Hungry Heron
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Hungry Heron

04:06 watch